Evraz , rails | 08 December 2014 г. | 11:18

EVRAZ is ready for mass production of new rail types

EVRAZ is ready for mass production of new rail types

EVRAZ ZMSK received Compliance Certificates for two new rail types: headhardened DT350 rails for use in high-speed mixed-traffic railway operations and DT370 rails with higher wear resistance and contact fatigue life, from the Register of Certification on the Federal
Railway. The samples of these rail types passed all the required tests both in EVRAZ labs and at the All-Russia Railways’ Research and Development Institute. The tests confirmed all claimed specifications of the new rail products. Both rail types are produced at the new EVRAZ ZSMK Rail and Beam Shop, involving the innovative head-hardening technology. No comparable rails have been produced in Russia before. New rails are available in lengths from 18 to 100 meters, depending on customer’s needs.

Head-hardened rails DT350 for use in high-speed mixed-traffic railway operations have improved geometry and enhanced linearity, which ensure smooth and low-noise motion of trains. Headhardening extends service life of rails as well. DT370 rails with higher wear resistance and contact fatigue life can be used in difficult conditions: in curves with a radius as small as 300 to 350 meters, or on inclines, where tracks wear off faster. The tests showed that DT370 rails have a 30 to 40% higher wear resistance than standard rails.

“Getting two new rail types certified is another important step EVRAZ has made in reinforcing its market positions”, says Ilya Shirokobrod, EVRAZ Vice-President, Head of the Railway Products Division. “Launch of DT350 rails for use in high-speed mixed-traffic railway operations will promote import replacement as previously Russian Railways had to buy this class of rail abroad, while DT370 rails with higher wear resistance and contact fatigue will help to ensure safety in parts of track with rugged landscape, which is especially relevant for Russia. Also, both new products have a high export potential.”

With certificates in place, EVRAZ ZMSK can start rail deliveries to commercial users. At the same time, the shop team is working on launching new types of rolled goods in production.

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