Freight One , transport | 17 May 2011 г. | 16:18

Freight One Announces January-April 2011 Results

Freight One Announces January-April 2011 Results

Freight One increased its traffic volume in January-April 2011 by 14.7 % to more than 97.2 million metric tons over the same period of 2010. This figure includes 38.6 million metric tons of coal (+29.1%), 23.2 million metric tons of oil (-8.9%), 8.4 million metric tons of non-ferrous and iron ore (+10.8%), 6.5 million metric tons of construction materials (+59.5%), 3.5 million metric tons of cement (+8.8%), 7.2 million metric tons of ferrous metals (+21.5%), 1.9 million metric tons of chemical and mineral fertilizers (+9.1%) and 1.4 million metric tons of coke (13.7%). The company accounted for 21.8% of the total rail freight traffic in Russia in January-April 2011.

Source: Metal Supply and Sale Magazine
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