Metal-Expo | 20 August 2009 г. | 11:25

Fill out the Form to Receive the Visitor Badge Now!

Fill out the Form to Receive the Visitor Badge Now!

This year some 30 thousand professionals are expected to visit Metal-Expo’2009 on November 10-13 to get information, exchange opinions, understand trends in the market, and to make plans for the future.

Though the Organizer of the exhibition does its best to improve the visitor service making the registration as smooth and quick as possible, sometimes due to a big number of visitors this inevitable at all exhibitions procedure takes some time. This year we have decided to try know-how - visitors can register beforehand on the web-site and receive the visitor badge by mail.
Not to waste your time in the line to the registration desk, you have a chance to register now simply by filling out the questionnaire on the Metal-Expo web-site. Shortly after you have submitted the form, you will receive a name – badge by mail sent at the address you have advised.

We have received more than 1.5 thousand applications as yet. This week we will begin mailing visitor badges.

To register as a visitor of Metal-Expo’2009 and receive the visitor badge simply fill out the questionnaire on the web-site

For accommodation and visa support please click here

Source: Metal Supply and Sales
View count: 90

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